Wakati mwingine Mtanzania wa kawaida hudhani mtu anayeongea Kiingereza anajua kila kitu. Hajui kuwa kama mtoto wa miaka mitatu wa Tanzania anavyoweza kujieleza vizuri kwa lugha ya Kiswahili alichojifunza kutokana na kuwasikia tu wazazi wake, kaka na dada zake au majirani, ndivyo ilivyo kwa nchi zinazozungumza Kiingereza.

T.I. akiwa Ethiopia njiani kuja Tanzania

Hivyo kama mtu hajaenda shule, anaweza akawa anajua kuongea Kiingereza lakini ni mjinga vilevile. Ujinga ninaouzungumza sasa ni ule walionao Wamarekani wengi. Mbaya zaidi Wamarekani wenye asili ya Afrika ambao hadi leo wanashindwa kujua kuwa Afrika ni bara kubwa lenye nchi nyingi ndani yake.
Wamarekani hao ambao somo la Jiographia limewapita kushoto, wanahisi Afrika ni kama kakijiji fulani tu kadogo ambako watu wote wanafahamiana, wanaongea lugha moja ama wanatumia sarafu moja.
Wamarekani hao wasiojua kuwa Afrika imegawanyika katika pande nne, Kusini, Mashariki, Magharibi na Kaskazini, wanadhani kuwa ugonjwa wa Ebola upo kila kona ya Afrika na kama mtu akija anaweza kurudi nao Marekani.
T.I. amepost picha kwenye akaunti yake ya Instagram akiwa amewasili nchini Ethiopia ambako bila shaka ni kwaajili ya kubadilisha ndege na kupanda ile inayokuja Dar es Salaam kwaajili ya show ya Fiesta. Kwenye picha hiyo, T.I. anaonekana akiwa amevaa kifaa cha puani na akifanyiwa ukaguzi unaoonekana kuwa wa Ebola.
Hizo ni procedure za kawaida tu ambazo viwanja vingi vya ndege barani Africa zimeamua kuzingatia ili kujihadhari na gonjwa hilo. Hata hivyo followers wengi wa rapper huyo kwenye mtandao huo, ndio wale ambao hawajui chochote kuhusu Afrika na wanadhani kuwa ni nchi.
Ona baadhi ya ujumbe huo wa wajinga hao na werevu wanaojitahidi kuwaelewesha.
hahah people are so stupid…. be thinking Like Africa is one country …ebola is in west africa and Tanzania is in east africa…..f*cking east u dumbasses

U need to get your ass back to America. ..and stay secure and hold down your family. ..this ebola thing us no joke…start bleeding from your insides than your done..no looking back..no second guessing. .just gone…


Don’t bring Ebola back to Atlanta nigga emoji


Allya muf*ckas treatn Africa like virus f*ck allya Tanzania got no Ebola! F*ck yo black skin ass muthaf*ckaz! Come back home you fools


these dumb ass ignorant idiots who can’t tell the difference between East, West , North and South Africa . Talking about T.I better not come back with that Ebola.


This nigga tryna get Ebola or what. Don’t bring ya ass back here mayne


If ebola can make it from one continent to another, WHY wouldn’t it be able to go from one country to another within the [same] continent. Yall so stupid bruh


When out four fathers told us that education is the he key. They knew what they where talking about. These American need to lay of tv for a bit & read, research & enlighten their selves


Africa is a continent not a state!! And it is the 2nd largest continent in the world. Ebola is in West Africa Ethiopia is East Africa. Someone saying he shouldn’t travel to a completely different part of Africa is ignorant. So if Ebola is in Texas you shouldn’t travel in surrounding states or any part of Texas. So you really should stay at home and step outside the house because you might get Ebola!!! Wake up ppl quit being so ignorant!!! Think before you post!!! Read a book, maybe you save a few brain cells instead of getting all of your information from social media.


Don’t come back to the USA keep all that shit over there
Credit Bongo5

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